Monday, 28 July 2008

Sunny-Side Up

We had a glorious weather here in Amsterdam over the weekend, 27 degrees on Saturday and 30 degrees on Sunday, can you believe that. In the past, especially when I was still living in Dubai, I wouldn’t get psyched up about good weather but having lived here in the Netherlands for almost 2 years now, I know that they’re quite rare. So what else do we do on such a wonderful day, we started it off with a very Filipino breakfast to fuel up for the day ahead, dried fishes and fried eggs… yummy!!!

I was so excited to cook the eggs coz I got myself a new toy in the kitchen. I was able to buy this egg form moulds last week and they looked so cute so as early as Friday night, I knew Saturday breakfast would definitely have eggs.

It was one very satisfying breakfast indeed with the eggs and dried fish paired with fried rice and a cup of steaming coffee, although, my moulds didn’t work out as properly as I wanted them to. I think next time I used them I would use a different pan. When I tried to fry the eggs inside the mold, it leaked in some places and the egg didn’t exactly take the form of the mould. Hhhmmmp. Well nevertheless, the eggs were delicious. It was the glue that bound the crispy saltiness of the dried fishes to the aromatic flavor of the fried rice, simple yet satisfying indeed. Just what we needed to start off a perfect day.


Manggy said...

Sorry it didn't work out-- maybe the egg could be fresher too, the white will be thicker and less likely to leak :)

Kreez said...

Hey manggy, thanks for the tip, I will definitely give it another try and find the freshest eggs from the supermarket. :-)