I can’t help but grin as I recall these more famous lines from one of my all time favorite superheroes, She-ra. I am even having flashbacks of the game I used to play with my sister where we would wield out fake swords and battle some of our friends, pretending that both of us were She-ra. Ohh, I could only remember the vases and figurines we broke as we made our living room a mock-battlefield, those were good times!
Who wouldn’t adore She-ra, a typical young princess who can merely sit all day in the splendor and comfort of her castle but instead volunteered to protect her beloved Etheria. Even at a very young age, I appreciated how she didn’t allow herself to be overshadowed by the image of her superhero twin brother and became an equal, if not even more. She was also the epitome of a great woman. She can be as soft spoken and feminine in every way but can transform into a strong and ingenious protector without loosing her femininity. The plot of the series also leaves very less to be desired. In the midst of all the action, Princess Adora still gets to have a love life and has an admirer in Bow and a love interest in Sea Hawk. There is also the transformation of an ordinary horse, Spirit, into a fascinating unicorn, Swift Wind, who becomes She-ra’s faithful ally. And of course, what superhero story is complete without a nemesis, Hordak, the leader of the evil Horde.
It was a disappointment though that throughout the years, a lot of superhero-movies were created out of animated series but She-ra’s adventures never made it to the silver screen. Superhero flicks have sprung from left and right, some have become classics while others are more easily forgotten. I have grown up and watched a lot of these superhero movies and if I were to choose among all of them most probably I would have to go with the Christopher Reeve-starrer, Superman. Since this was the first superhero movie that I have ever seen, I can’t help but be awed by the plot and the struggles that Superman went through and although he was perfect in every way, he still has weaknesses. Consequently, if I were to choose a superhero movie that I liked the least, I would have to go for Daredevil, although I love Ben Afleck, that movie just didn’t gel well with me for some reason and maybe that would make him my least favorite superhero.

The coolest thing about being a superhero is having abilities to do things that a normal human being cannot, may it be because of super powers or technological advancement. Whatever the reason maybe, I think that one of the main reasons why we so love to watch and admire these super humans is because of their powers. Having to think of it, if there is one super power that I would so like to have, that would be the power to fly. Imagine how much I can save from all the airline tickets if I could fly and transport myself and my honey to a place that we would want to go to. Sorry, I know that is for personal gain (selfish, selfish selfish!!!) but I would also volunteer to transport relief goods to far off areas to make up for it!!! Haha.
This is an entry to EmDy’s Superhero Contest
Thanks for joining. Who can forget She-ra? Honestly, I have. Your blog post brought back memories of when she and He-Man were very popular. I must agree with you about flying (for free! he he). Have you seen Jumper? I haven't but the trailer seems to suggest there's an easier way than flying.
Hi Dr.Em, thanks for initiating such a fun contest, I am also a big fun of superheroes (may it be flicks or animated series).
I did see jumper. How nice could it be to have that power and be anywhere in the world with a blink of an eye!
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