Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Caught by Surprise

I was tagged by Niko yesterday however, the moment I arrived in the office, my phone died on me so I cannot do the tag and I completely forgot about it by the end of the day... Sorry! I only remembered it this morning right after I went to the gym and about to call honey. The tag says that I have to take a picture of myself at the moment I received the tag, (no changing of clothes, no fixing of hair and post the picture without editing). So I immediately took my picture right then and there, inside the locker of our office gym hehe. I hoped for a better backdrop but hey I didn’t want to cheat.

Apologies for the blurry quality of the photo, i was running late and besides I'm not sure if I'm allowed to take another shot.

I'm supposed to tag other people to do this as well, but hey why set a limit. If anyone of you, upon reading this post, wants to take the challenge and post a sponteneous photo of yourself... please do so. Oh, and don't forget to link back here.


niko said...

thanks for doing the tag kreez!!

to think na you came from the gym with that shot, still looking fresh ha! :)

that tag was a bomb, i was surprised too. i wanted to share the virus! heheh

Kreez said...

haha, the beauty of having showers in the gym locker room!

it was fun though, looking fresh and vibrant in your pic din and ang cute ng wall paper!

Toni said...

Nice to see you! :D

Kreez said...

thanks to the gym shower i didn't look all too sweaty and tired hehe.