I had my mind set on watching Twilight the movie on the 4th of December, the moment I learned that that was when it’s going to be shown here in Amsterdam. However, since our visitor arrived on the same day, honey and I had to postpone it the following day. Came Friday, honey was coughing and sneezing like crazy so I asked him if he was still up for the movie, I told him we should do it another day when he’s all better. But honey knew how long I’ve waited to see the movie, he insisted that we go.
When we got inside the cinema, I was really surprised to see that there were barely ten people inside, initially I thought all the people waiting in the cinema lounge would be watching Twilight but as it turns out, they were there for another film. To think that it was Friday night 7pm, it seems that Twilight doesn’t have a big fan base here, from where I live anyway. Now what do I think of the film….
I really enjoyed the movie. I love Robert Pattinson as Edward, he was able to lend Edward’s character more depth and charisma, and of course needless to say, he was absolutely gorgeous! I had to stop myself from shrieking like an infatuated teenager the moment I saw him on the screen (no one squealed so it would have been soooo embarrassing… hehe). His facial expressions and tortured looks, I think, were spot on.
Kristen Stewart as Bella was also a great choice, she perfectly portrayed Bella’s character, she had a simple beauty and yet a sensual look about her. The clumsiness and awkwardness of Bella appeared so natural in the movie.
Jacob, I must say I imagined him to be cuter but I’ve seen other pictures of Taylor Lautner to know that the best is yet to come.
I would have to say, I didn’t picture Charlie like how he was portrayed. I don’t know why but while I was reading the book I always pictured Charlie as someone who would be played by John Goodman, I told you I don’t know why but I just thought that a chubby chief of police and a loving (in a not too obvious, kind of awkward way) father would be endearing and that is how I saw Charlie in the books. Although, I must say, Billy Burke didn’t disappoint. He was endearing and quite a character without being overly expressive.
Bella’s friends, I could have never imagined Eric that way, while reading Twilight, I imagined him to be a nerd and goofy type but in the movie he was actually hip. Mike was cute very boy-next-door type, just as I imagined him, Angela and Jessica were also very well played.
The Cullens…. Ah the Cullens, love, love, love them especially Carlisle, he exuded a very fatherly image and he was so good looking! I love how they looked more alive in the film than they were in the book. When the book described them in Twilight it was like they don’t talk while in the cafeteria only staring on the walls, I love it when the movie showed them laughing and even having fun together.
Some of my favourite scenes: (Spoilers alert! Stop reading now if you haven’t seen the film!)
1) I love the scene when Edward rescued Bella in Port Angeles, when they were already in the car and Edward was so furious and asked Bella to distract him so that he will not go back and hunt the guys who almost attacked her and then suddenly he smiles when Bella says something funny.
2) I really liked the restaurant scene in Port Angeles, it was so funny when Edward was listening to the thoughts of the people around them. Money… Sex… Money… Sex… CAT!?! Money. Haha.

3) When Edward took Bella to see their home for the first time. The house was so beautiful and the Cullens were so endearing when they tried to cook Bella dinner.
4) The first time Edward kissed Bella, when he had to pull back, the pained look on his face was so real that I actually pitied him.

5) Every time Bella speaks to his mom, it’s funny and endearing at the same time, specially when she asked Bella “if she was being safe?” haha.
6) The baseball game! So fun, so refreshing and they looked cute on their outfits.

7) The scenes when Edward is in Bella’s room, so intimate… so sweet.
8) I like the fact that there was a fight scene between Edward and James unlike in the book where Bella just passed out and when she was awake it was over.

9) The prom night was dreamy!

The movie was absolutely entertaining, however, there were some parts of the movie that I didn’t like.
1) Most of the times that Jasper was shown in this movie, he had a funny look on his face. I know it was mentioned in the book that he was having difficulty being around Bella coz he’s new to this vegetarian thing but that look on his face is not unease it was funny really.
2) The way Bella and Edward fell in love, it wasn’t developed well, it was like one moment Edward was there then he was gone for a while after the Biology class and when he came back they were sort of falling in love already…. Parang pilit. Didn’t work for me.
3) I would have wanted to see more of Alice’s and Bella’s developing friendship, it seemed to be vital in the next books after all.
All in all, I really enjoyed this movie. The moment we got home from watching this film, I couldn’t help but browse through the pages of the Twilight book again. There was nothing spectacular about the movie but it delivered, I have to say, it was worth the wait.
photos from here
I loved the movie too! I bought all four books after. I was not a fan before I watched the movie :)
Twilight is so addicting (both the movie and the series). I can't wait to watch it again.
kreez i wanted to seeeee that movie too!!! and i read all ur posts, it was not a spoiler at all, it made me more excited to go out and grab hubby to the movie house!!
hope i can finally watch it this weekend. :(
hey niko, this movie is so worth seeing, i want to see it again actually hehe.... hope you get to watch it soon!
I bet you are one of those girls who have added Cullen to their last name.
(Joke only). That is what most of my friends and friend's daughters have done. In their dreams.
oi anu na!! busy ka??
hope u are doing good..
anyways, i have tag for u http://nikoganda.blogspot.com/2008/12/google-tag.html
and if u still have time, grab and answer this hubby tag too.. http://eraslovers.blogspot.com/2008/12/hubby-list-tag_12.html
take care! mwah
emarane, hehe hubby wouldn't appreciate that but yeah i did thought about it hihi. he's such a gorgeous guy however he looks too ragged in interviews with his tussled hair and beard.
hey niko... been down the weather I had cough, colds and flu for days now, been off from work for two days actually but i'm good as new now. i'll grabe those tags in a bit.
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