Mush Alert!!! Please stop reading now if you don't want to be overwhelmed by cheesiness. Don't say I didn't warn you.... Niko must now know how mushy honey and I are and how I can't say no to any opportunity to show this mushiness so she asked me to drop by her other blog and grab this tag. The moment I read through the questions, I just couldn't resist answering them as I travel back through memory lane.
Can you remember the day you first met your hubby? Actually, we have never been formally introduced. We were both members of an organization and through various activities we just knew each other. Here's the complete story of how I started to get to know honey.
When was that? I was in first year college when I first saw him (when my friend who had a crush on him pointed him out to me while he was walking in the campus with his then girlfriend) so that would have to be in 1998.
First impression. About him or about his ex?!? hahaha.... Well like what i told my friend, he's cute but not my type.
Were you friends before he became your bf? yup we became very close friends since we had lots of same interests and hobbies.
What was the sweetest thing he did for you? when he got down on his knee, gave me a ring and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. i think it will be hard top that.
What are the things about him that you are thankful for? I'm thankful for his patience, for his kindness, for his humor, for his faith and above all for his love.
I always enjoy a moment of mushiness. Now for those of you who wants to share some cheesy moments with the rest of us, here are the rules:
1. Pick your sweetest picture when you were still friends and post it on top of the questions and answers. (as i didn't have any pics from when we were still friends saved in the my laptop, i opted to post a picture from our prenup pictures.)
2. Another pic now that you are together, post it after the questions.
3. Share to how many friends you like.
4. Enjoy doing it and let your hubby read it too! :D

Hello, since you dont' have a chatbox, I'm leaving a message here. :o) Nice to meet you!
Nice pics of the wedding.
hi babette, thanks! its nice to meet you here in the cyberworld.
Oh, btw I really love your christmas tree.
how sweet... wish I have the courage to post our pictures...someday. shy pa kasi kami. LOL.
haha, i'll look forward to that time na hindi na kayo shy hehe! it's nice to go back and reminisce diba.
it's really so nice to reminisce especially the day you said 'I DO' :)
yeah, thinking back on one's wedding day is pure bliss. thanks for dropping by!
did this tag too. it was fun.
thanks for doing the tag kreezzy! :)
i have another one for you hahahah
i know i know, i keep on tagging u kasi i know you will find time to do it! take care you and junfer! :)
hey niko, I actually enjoyed this tag and finally gave me a push to squeeze in a post in the middle of the busy season hehe. Thanks for that
wellll i don't enjoy cheesiness but i have to say that those are fantastic wedding photos. very inspiring
hi grace, glad you liked the pics anyway hehe.
thanks for dropping by
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