Friday, 5 December 2008

In Transit

(photo from flickr)
When honey and I were on vacation in Manila about two years ago, we spotted this cutesy neon pink travelling bag, immediately I told him that we have to buy it! I was already thinking of the convenience it would bring each time we travel. You see, before that, all our travelling bags were mostly black and you can just imagine my frustration at the end of a long haul flight, tired and sleepy and excited to get out of the airport, when I struggle to find the luggage that is mine simply because it looks like everyone else’s. I was also thinking that having a travelling bag that is the same as everyone else increases the risk of me loosing my things because someone else might take my bag by mistake. And when you are travelling a long way, the last thing that you want is to be inconvenienced and loose all your things. So I was happy with my trusted neon pink luggage, no more difficulty identifying which is mine from then on, I recognize my bag the moment the conveyor belt spats it out and I was convinced that from then on no lost luggage for me, until yesterday.

Honey picked up a friend from the airport last night who is visiting us for a couple of weeks. As I heard them enter the door, I immediately rushed to welcome our visitor. I was surprised that all he had with him is a back pack that is not even full, after all he’s staying with us until new year. That is when they told me that his luggage was lost. It is so inconvenient for him especially he is visiting at the full swing of winter and all his winter clothes are in the bag. And guess what all they gave him for this huge annoying incident is an emergency pack that contains what? A toothbrush, a toothpaste, and some other toiletries. Hello! Can these toiletries give him warmth as he steps outside where its 1 degree Celsius. I told him that he should have demanded that they at least buy him a winter jacket or gave him at least a change of clothes. So far, we still don’t know when his luggage will resurface. I really do hope that airlines, who charge you an arm and a leg by the way, would have a more sensible and concrete response to cases like this and not think that giving a customer an “emergency kit” is enough compensation for the inconvenience of a lost luggage.

This only goes to show that one can only be so cautious, there are several things that might happen that is way beyond our control. Thank God this has never happened to us before, and hopefully not in the future. I’m hoping that my cutesy neon pink bag is not only convenient when collecting our luggage at the conveyor belt but also a lucky bag that will not get lost. :-)


Anonymous said...

it is best to buy a luggage other than the color black. I hated that when someone grabbed your luggage just bec. it looks like theirs and ended up throwing it back ....

hey, dropped by from EC to drop but couldn't find u'r widget! TC~

Kreez said...

Hi irel, exactly my idea, better go for bags with colors that will stand out to make it easier to recognize it. Oh, apologies for that, most probably you dropped by the same time i was tinkering the settings of my blog, was trying to change the template.

thanks for dropping by!

Umma said...

OH MY!! thats why we need to take precautions especially to our luggage. Thats why I normally put a ribbon on my luggage so it would be easier for me to identify it when doing the baggage claim at the airport.

Kreez said...

haay exactly! we really be cautious about our luggage, that's what i do too, i put a scarf of hankie on the handle of our luggage just to make it easier to see.

Oh and today (Saturday afternoon) we received a call that the airlines will deliver the luggage tomorrow. thank God!

Manggy said...

Thank goodness you friend has his luggage back!
I actually do the ribbon thing too, till I realized that a lot of people do too. Maybe I should spray-paint my luggage!

Kreez said...

haha, Manngy that is a good idea, i don't think i've ever seen a spray-painted luggage before so your's will be unique.