Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Random Stuff

Ever since I got back from Singapore, things haven’t settled down yet adding to that is the fact that it took me a while to get back in synch with Amsterdam time. These are my excuses for not responding to Niko’s tag sooner. So today, I’m taking a breather from posting another Singapore entry and would like to share 8 random things about myself.

1) I’m all about purple, violet, indigo, lilac, lavender, anything that is in that shade really tickles my attention. Other people say that it’s a sad colour but I see them as elegant and sophisticated.

2) My first home away from home is in Dubai. I’ve lived there for two years and I found it to be a great city to get to live in. I have lots of fond memories of this city, I have friends still living there and I would want to come back and visit one of these days.

3) I’m completely useless when it comes to directions (haha). Honey’s always worried if I need to travel by myself coz he knows that I’m not good when it comes to navigating in a new place. Surprisingly, in spite of my freakishly short term memory when it comes to directions, I have never been lost, I always manage to find my way, thank God.

4) Honey and I collect DVDs, I would sometimes deliberately side step a DVD shop coz I know that I would end up buying more DVDs than I would manage to watch. In our collection of DVDs, my favourites would be Friends (entire collection), Alley McBeal (entire collection), Ever After, Harry Potter (all the sequels), among others. There are also a couple of DVDs in our collection that I haven’t watched.

5) I love, love, love to shop BUT contrary to what other people think, I am not at all brand conscious, in fact, I find great satisfaction each time that I score an outfit, or a pair of shoes, or a bag that is of very good quality and at very reasonable prices. Honey’s never afraid to let me loose inside a shopping mall coz he knows I’m a very reasonable buyer. (Haha)

6) I never dreamed of being a CPA, when I was a kid I wanted to be a journalist and a lawyer but when I was already applying for college, my papa encouraged me to take accountancy instead telling me that it’s the most reasonable platform to launch a career in law. However, after passing the board exams, my intentions of furthering my studies in the field of law was clouded by my intent to establish an audit career.

7) Looking back on my college days, the activities that I miss the most would have to be basketball and debate. I was a part of the women’s basketball team and have been actively participating in debate competitions in and out of the campus during my entire college life. Both of these activities trigger a rush of adrenaline that I sorely miss.

8) If I have to choose the next city that I want honey to take me to, that would have to be Venice, Italy (Honey… hint, hint!). I have always loved Italian food, apart from that this city, in my view, is one of the most romantic cities in the world and it has always been a dream to go there.

I had fun responding to this tag, thanks Niko, it’s not everyday that you get an opportunity to reveal some tidbits about yourself.

Now, I’m tagging anyone of you who is interested to share some trivia about yourself.

The rules:

1 - Each participant starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2 - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3 - At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4 - Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

And another small thing, if you decide to participate, I would love for you to link back here in the comments section so that I could learn a little bit more about you!


niko said...

thanks for doing this tag kreez! i know you would share things.. i love reading ur posts!!

just like you, i heart all shades of violet!! dnt u know that everytime i see a violet car in the road - i know that i will have a lucky day! that's how much i adore that color! heheh:D

and oh i envy your collection of dvds esp your friends collection!!!!! waaaaah i love jennifer aniston and the rest of the friends gang!! i am actually singing now - i'll be there for you by rembrandts.. ;)

i love watching dvds too.. coz at home we can get comfy than at the movie house..

Kreez said...

thanks for the tag niko,

when i watched a movie in the big screen and liked it, i make it a point to get it on DVD so that i could watch it again.

Junfer has been eyeing the entire Bond movie collection. Medyo mahal kaya pinag iisipan ko pa haha.

emarene said...

i saw your name as a follower to my blog. hope it was not an error (LOL).

love your pictures of Singapore. That is one place I want to visit. love your writings too. strikes me as a serious person -- unlike me magulo.

will do the 8 things about me, tomorrow maybe. Just have to catch up on something tonight.

Kreez said...

hi emarene, i really find your blog entertaining and relaxing to read that's why i have been lurking for quite a while.

singapore is a very nice place to visit there are so many things to do and there is no dull moment.

thanks for dropping by and i look forward to your 8 random things.

emarene said...


I just posted my 8 Random things. Just letting you know.
