Thursday, 20 November 2008

Warm breeze & cool water: Perfect combination

When we were about to board the plane to Changi Airport, we had 5 degrees Celsius here in Amsterdam so anything warmer is like a breath of fresh air. The moment we landed, we started taking off jackets and sweats and started shoving them inside our luggage. A warm and humid air welcomed us as we stepped out of the airport.

After we dumped our bags in the hotel room, dinner was served in the hotel restaurant and right after that, the video committee (of which I am a part of) decided to meet before going out for a night cap beside the hotel pool. I could hardly keep my head in the very short meeting, the cool, blue water was like calling my name and asking me to take a dip. A made a mental note to wake up early the next morning to oblige and take refuge in the tempting blue pool to refresh myself from the humidity and heat. True to my promise, at exactly seven the following morning, I was in the pool area. Another great thing about Singapore weather is its warm enough to swim any time of the day (or night). Being very early on a Sunday morning, the pool area was so quiet so I and two other colleagues enjoyed the serenity and comfort of the pool all by ourselves.

From then on, one of the things that I looked forward to was the late night or early morning dates with the swimming pool. For me it was a workout which happens to be therapeutic at the same time. It also gave me an opportunity to lounge under the sun that I so miss, after all, he rarely shows himself here in Amsterdam (especially now it’s winter). Even after we moved to the new hotel, which by way also had a great pool area, I managed to squeeze in an hour of our very hectic last day to lounge in the pool.

(photo below was taken from my room on the 52nd floor before going down to take a dip on the pool)

I’m definitely going to miss lounging under the sun and dipping in the pool but for now I would have to make do with my long bubble baths during weekends at home until honey brings me to another holiday trip on the beach (or pool, i'm really not choosy).


Anonymous said...

Gawd, this made me realized that it's been so long since I bathed in a pool. That was a nice treat after a day's work. You were staying at the 52nd floor!

Kreez said...

oh, it was a treat to lounge in the pool area specially very early in the morning when no one is there and the sun is not too harsh.

yeah, i was staying in a room on the 52nd floor. one time when we were in the elevator we noticed a reminder saying "don't use in case of fire". i'm thinking they don't have a lot of fire drills, can you imagine walking down 52 flights of stairs haha.