Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A year before 30

This day seven years ago, I still remember it so vividly, as early as six in the morning, I hauled our household help out of her bed and begged her to go with me to the market with a very long list of ingredients that my mom, my sister and I made the previous night. I wanted everything to be perfect, I planned the menu carefully and although during those times, I would literally get lost inside the kitchen, I asked my mom and my sister to help me cook the entire meal. Nothing less than perfect would do, after all, this is the very first birthday honey is celebrating since we became a couple. In the end the intimate dinner that I hosted at our place, with my family and some of his relatives turned out to be very special and memorable.

Seven years it’s been and still, I get all tingly every year this day arrives. I sometimes get over board with the preparation and although honey always tells me that he doesn’t want to celebrate, I just can’t bear the thought of allowing this occasion to pass without commemorating it. Over the years, one thing hasn’t changed. I still want to make this event as perfect as I can not only because it’s honey’s birthday but because it’s my way of celebrating another year of life honey and I spent together and to looking forward to more happy years to come.

This day is so special to me coz without this day, I wouldn’t have the man I’m spending the rest of my life with. Without this day, I wouldn’t have known the beauty of loving and being loved so unconditionally. This day is the day that my one true love, my best friend, my confidante, my lover, my life came to existence and I will forever thank God for this day.

Happy birthday honey! Enjoy your special day. I love you!


Anonymous said...

wow. you're so lucky. you've found the "one" -- it's like you're fully armed for whatever comes along because you're complete. it a good read, this :)

Kreez said...

hi onyxx, I sometimes can't believe how blessed I am. Thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

I can see the queue of ants. Lol. Gee, that's so sweet! Lovely photo there. I remember my birthday cakes were mostly choco cakes. =) Stay happy!

niko said...

ow happy birthday to your hubby kreez!!

kakilig ka talga magsulat.. nice post again!!


Kreez said...

wits, thanks hubby and I are really cheesy hehe!

thanks niko. i'll send junfer your greetings.