Friday, 13 March 2009

Mixed Bags

If there is one thing I can’t leave the house without, that would be a bag. I must admit though that my fervour in collecting them in all shapes and sizes has dwindled over the past years. Either it’s because I’ve lost a lot of my favourite bags in transit when we were moving here in the Netherlands or because I don’t change bags as often as I used to, I really can’t tell. Honey even noticed that I don’t change bags that often and asked me why. I told him, simply because when we moved here, I always have to wear a trench coat, a jacket or a sweater and most of these items of clothing that I have in my closet are all black or white or brown therefore I don’t have to change the colour of my bag as I normally did, unlike those days when I used to work in Manila or Dubai, people can already see the wardrobe I’m sporting so my bag has to match with it. Although I love bags, I am not a label fanatic, in fact, every time honey tells me, he’ll buy me an LV or Christian Dior bag, I tell him no, its not practical.

This morning, I was in the mood to change trench coats going to work so a change of bag was necessary. I’ve chosen one of my newer bags, an Aldo purse from Dubai, the cost of which I don’t know coz it has been a present from friends who visited us last Christmas and New Year. I really love this bag coz it suits any colour palette being a black and white bag and I just love the prints.

As I was in a hurry to change bags this morning, I just stashed all the things that were in my other bag to this bag. I have my wallet, a hair brush, make up kit, a portable playstation (which I borrowed from honey yesterday), cell phone charger, a copy of itinerary of the trains in Italy (which honey gave me to look at for the trip that we’re planning), a copy of my life plan (a document that I created which lists all my plans and dreams in life, I always have it handy coz I read it when I have time to pass), some receipts (how much of an accountant am I, couldn’t let go of receipts hehe) and finally a letter from the Institute of Certified Management Accountant (which I grabbed before I went out the door this morning, this letter contains a lot of information about the series of exams that I’m planning to take very soon to be a CMA!).

How about you, are you a bag person?

This bag talk is inspired by Niko’s bag tag.


Meryl (proud pinay) said...

hi sis, you own a pretty bag...
i love the design...

Kreez said...

Thanks meryl! i love the design as well and i love that it goes well with any outfit color!