Over the weekend, one of our friends asked us to go with them while they try to look for the best sofa set to replace the one they currently have. Shopping, (window or otherwise) is a trip I couldn’t bring myself to decline so off we went. Right beside the furniture shop that our friends visited was our favourite electronics shop and saw that they have really great deals on offer. I tagged honey along and entered the shop marvelling at all the wonderful things on sale clenching my fist as I try to use every ounce of self control that I have to keep me from buying those items that I long to have. However, honey got the better of me, pointing out that he received a pleasant surprise from work last week and that there was a storewide offer, which includes one of the items in my wish list, he insisted that he wanted to buy me a present, who am I to argue, so I caved. There inside the Mediamarkt, we finally became owners of this marvellous WII sport pack.
I’m really enthused about this game, I read a lot of wonderful things about it and as I try to explore it, I can say that this will definitely be a part of me and honey’s bonding moment. We already started last Saturday night, we played tennis. Egads, my arms and shoulder were aching after four games with honey and everything was a tie. I also tried the WII fit board and the WII fit program yesterday and I must say that its really good.
If at first I have my doubts about this purchase, now I can truly say that it was a really great buy, this WII. We’re looking forward to fun times ahead.
Wow! COngratulations Kreezy! Its really nice to buy something u really want no? lalo na if u've been wanting to have it since u can no longer remember. heheh..
Actually I'm not really into computer games. I'm not even sure if WII is one. Hahha.. Do I sound stupid? Never heard talaga to. hahahah.. but am happy for u having it for real. muah muah!! =)
ghie, it is also a kind of video game, the only thing that sets it apart from the rest is that it encourages physical games/activities like tennis, boxing, yoga, aerobics etc, but it also has other games as well.
oo nga super enjoy ako with this new toy hehe!
Wii Fit is among my birthday wishes. I thoroughty enjoy Wii. I got addicted to Mario Kart and Guitar Hero. =)
wits, very addictive noh, I love Mario Kart! maybe you could help me there, we were trying to use to controllers for the game but even if we press "A" to confirm it doesn't work, have you tried that before?
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