Monday, 9 March 2009

Sunshine and meadows

Apart from seeing my family, especially my angel of a niece, Alex, one of the things that I enjoy immensely each time we go to France is the long drive, that is, when the weather is nice. Such was the case last Friday. When we got in the car to start our long haul journey, it was raining a bit (which is very typical Dutch weather) so my hopes were not that high. What do you know? Less than an hour later, the sun decided to show himself and shone majestically on the fields and meadows that we passed through, the sight was breathtaking.

The change in landscape between Netherlands and France is quite dramatic. I can readily tell that I’ve entered French territory the moment we saw up hills and down hills on the road. We see mountains and cliffs as we drive through the express way of France, whereas, the land is as flat as a ruler in the Netherlands.

My favourite site in France is this towering bridge and a viaduct. I don’t know why but this viaduct reminds me so much of the one in Ilocos.

It was a pleasant seven-hour drive. I had picturesque views to entertain me as we go through the long trip.


niko said...

Oh mY!! breath taking really kreezy!! u perfectly captured the clouds in ur last picture.. nice nice photos..

haaaay. hanggang tingin na lang ako.. thanks for posting!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. I like the viaduct view and the last one, wow, the clouds seem to be dancing. =)

Kreez said...

niko, we really had great weather that day, and the clouds were like floating cottons super pretty.

wits, i really like that bridge, it is really steep but really beautiful. I really like the last pic as well, the clouds look so good that day.