Friday, 20 February 2009

Getting Hitched

One of the most memorable events in my life would definitely have to be the day when honey proposed to me. It has been almost 4 years ago and yet, every time I remember it, I still get giddy and I get butterflies in my stomach. Oh it was so romantic and to have experienced a proposal twice, I think, is rare. It’s a priceless memory that I hold very close to my heart and would relate to my kids and my kids’ kids tirelessly.

The reason for this sudden trip down the memory lane is because of Maria’s tag. She candidly shares the day she agreed to spend the rest of her life with her hubby and she invited me to share my memories of the day when I decided to spend the rest of my life with my one true love. As I have said, I’ve reminisced about it quite often and have blogged about the entire story before. Since that faithful day, I have never looked back. It has been pure marital bliss and I couldn’t be more thankful.


niko said...

you are one of the luckiest talga for having a very romantic husband who surprises u everytime! :)

am happy for both of u! u seem so happy couple, the world needs happy people dear kreez! keep it up! :)

and yeah, ur story definitely hits the top 1 for me! clap clap clap :) ahahah

Kreez said...

niko, thanks! we are lucky to have spouses who go out of their way to make us happy.

Thanks God for that.

Anonymous said...

I've checked the link. I was so kilig as I read the proposal part. =)

Kreez said...

wits, i always grab an excuse to reminisce hehe... it's one of my top kilig moments talaga...