Thursday, 26 March 2009

Early mornings, new beginnings


I have always been a morning person, my mind retains information better when I get them in the morning, I’m more productive, my energy level is high, I simply love my mornings. Even when I was studying, each time that we have a major exam, I would set the alarm at three in the morning or so to start studying. Waking up at an ungodly hour has been a part of my routine during my preparation for the CPA board exams, I would normally sleep at around 10 pm and wake up at three in the morning. In my memory bank those days were some of the toughest but ironically the most memorable days of my life. Looking back, I still can feel the struggle of trying to open your eyes when the bed seems to have a stronger pull of gravity in your body, forcing you to go back and cuddle the soft sheets and silky pillows. I dread and miss those mornings all at the same time.

For quite sometime now, I’ve been fiddling with the idea of taking another certification exam. I just thought that it would sharpen my skills, refresh me of knowledge long forgotten and help me advance in my career. So finally, a couple of weeks back I’ve finally decided to apply for the Certified Management Accountant exam given by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA). While flipping through the review materials, the memories of my CPA board exam review days came rushing back to me and surprisingly, I got this chill of excitement running down my spine, I felt giddy. For the past days, I’ve been trying to wake up earlier to squeeze in an hour of study in the morning and an hour of exercise (oh well, I said I try!), I’ve been doing good in some days while on others I fail to get out of bed miserably. However as the exam (1st) date nears, I have to improve and stick to my schedule more religiously. I’m really looking forward to it.

I really am keeping my fingers crossed on this. Wish me luck and pray that I at least gain knowledge in this challenge that I’m about to embark on.


niko said...

wow!!! naku kreezy u will be on my top 1 prayer every sunday.. i know u will do good! sisiw sayo yan dear!! best of luck and GOd bless!!

oh well, dont u know na hindi ako nagreview at hindi pa rin nagtry mag board exam? i dnt know pero parang di ko line yan.. heheheh. ;) am happy for what i have become now minus the title and the exams :) hahah.

but i wish u well kreezy, forte mo yan e! galingan mo ha!! mwah

Anonymous said...

Same here! Although I'm generally a 24/7 person, I feel I'm at my best in the early mornings. I had the same strategy while reviewing for the CPA board. I'm also thinking of taking another certification just to have that 'student feeling' again. I was comparing my sched here in UAE which is lighter. I remember when I took my CIA and CFSA, I was like a walking zombie already for lack of sleep.

Have fun studying for the CMA!

Kreez said...

niko, maraming salamat! nako, niko, i agree with you, as long as you're happy and contented that is what counts diba!

wits, that is also one of my reasons for deciding to take this exam, to get that "student feeling", its a tough and fulfilling feeling altogether. I I have a much lighter schedule now than what I use to have when I was working in Manila and Dubai so i thought i could squeeze it in.

emarene said...

kind of disoriented with the new look - but nice! Good luck with the exam!

niko said...

congrats sa iyong new template... nakta ko to while browsing for new templates and i thought of u agad hehehe.. ang galing!!

Kreez said...

emarene, i've been wanting to change templates for the longest time, i'm still tweaking it here and there but I'm liking it so far. Thanks

niko, talaga?!? matagal ko na gusto iapply tong layout na to eh, inaaral ko lang kung pano ginagagwa hehe, medyo hindi pa ako satisfied sa layout pero i hope to tweak it a bit more.

A CPA Candidate said...

The way you study really inspire me, thank you so much to share it with us!!!

Kreez said...

CPA candidate, i think the method and manner of studying is really a personal thing, its really important that you find a schedule suitable to you. Good luck!