Monday, 16 March 2009

Gems in the cyberworld

One thing that I love about the cyberspace is that you gain friends and feel like you get to know other cool peeps even without actually meeting them. Through Plurk, I’ve met another friend and it what a small world it is, I found out that her sister is from the same university that I graduated from, the same college, same year only different blocks (and during our time there were only two blocks that survived the stringent requirements of our course). Nice eh!

If meeting someone real nice and funny over the net is not enough, she even gave me a very flattering citation, she gave my blog the Uber Amazing Blogs Award. Thanks Ghie, more than the award, I’m really glad that you find inspiration in this humble space I’ve created here.

Personally, I visit different blogs for different purposes, there are those blogs that I go to for a quick laugh, still there are those blogs that I visit to have my eyes feast on the photos of wonderful food, places and anything that are so interesting and finally, there are those that I go to when I need a pick-me-up-from-a-gray-day-inspiring story.

Among those blogs that I go for a quick fix of my mood for the day are:

Batjay – I love his wit and green humour, his candour is admirable. This is definitely my stop to indulge with humorous, gut wrenching, stomach wringing, tear invoking laugh.

Pinoycook - this is my go to blog when I encounter a dry spell when it comes to creative cooking, one look at the recipes and posts in this blogs reignites my passion to spend my time in the kitchen.

Wifely Steps - if there is a word I’d use to describe this blog that would definitely be charming. Informative and entertaining posts, coupled with cute photos of cujo, the incredible dog. I’m hooked.

Pulse - this is one of my daily dose, as I’ve mentioned before, I just like to drop by coz Dr.Em’s post are short, entertaining to read and keeps me in touch with what’s good in the Philippines.

Witsandnuts - - this is a one of my more recent discoveries, I just find her witty stories and colourful photos amazing, plus she gives me my needed peek to a place I once called home.

Bo Sanchez Blog - - I visit this blog to get grounded, to be inspired or to simply laugh at what this pastor is currently up to.

There are so many blogs that I keep on visiting for so many other reasons. I must say, I’ve found so many gems lying around the cyberworld, I just needed to look more closely.


docemdy said...

Thanks again Kreez! This is such a great birthday gift for Pulse!

Kreez said...

Happy Birthday Pulse! As I said before, Pulse stop is a part of my daily routine. Keep up those enjoyable posts Dr.Em.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kreez. This means a lot. =)

Kreez said...

wits, your blog is absolutely fun to visit! keep the posts coming!

Kreez said...

Hi Ana, thanks for that info, that would be really exciting too bad I wouldn't be in the Philippines to attend this really nice event. I will definitely tell my friends who are in the Phils about it.