Honey and I were doing some grocery shopping and we chanced upon this unfamiliar fruit. I knew I’ve seen them somewhere before but being the not-too-crazy-about-fruits that I am, I’ve never been curios enough to try. However, honey, who is a fruit buff, insisted that we buy some of it because he remembers having tried them and remembers them to be really good. So we grabbed a couple of them fruits and went on our merry way back home.
That night, while watching our favourite series, honey started peeling off these gorgeous produce and he popped one in my mouth. At first bite, the texture was a bit grainy and mushy while the juice that oozed from the fruit was sweet, but not overly. The next piece that honey gave me was even more wonderful, it was a bit sweeter, the texture was smoother and mushier, it was refreshing. Immediately I know I’m hooked.

In our local grocery, they’re called Kaki fruit, however, some know them better by the name persimmons. Personally, I’ve never really been familiar with them before, I’ve never really seen them in the Philippines before so I wouldn’t think that we grow them locally (of this I’m not sure). I think the ones that we have here come from Italy or Spain.
This fruit definitely climbed up to be my top favourite fruit, and that is saying something.
Like you, I'm not much of a fruit person too but definitely now trying my best. From the picture, the texture reminds me of chesa which I don't like. I haven't tried this at all but will do if I see them in Manila on the strength of your recommendation.
now i know what persimmon looks like!! :)
i was wondering in ur plurk, is it peanuts or something?? hahah :)
just like u am not a fan of fruits too.. but i would definitely try to taste that one in the future.. mag uwe ka dito ha?!
Dr.Em, they look like chesa, which i don't like as well, but they somehow remind me of star apple (kaimito) but much better.
niko, sige try ko mag uwi hehe, that is if they'll survive the 14-hour flight haha
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