Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Honest Scrap Award

After days of complete neglect, I finally had a chance to come back to my blog and a pleasant surprise welcomed me back, a comment from Niko saying that she has gifted me with a blog award, Honest Scrap Award. From what I understand, this award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant. Thanks Niko this is such a wonderful surprise!

So what does this blog award entails? A receiver is entitled to post the nifty icon on top. You also have to (an absolute must!), choose seven other bloggers, (and to quote the instructions from Niko’s blog) “improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are, if you don’t have 7 friends”. Include in the list the links to their blogs and whoever is chosen should be informed by leaving them a comment in their blog informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog”. Finally, the receiver should enumerate 10 honest things about themselves.

Now, about the ten random things about myself….

1) I absolutely love books, any kind of books. I love to savour the smell and texture of paper as I leaf through the pages. I can sit still and be quiet for hours as long as I have a good book with me.
2) I love to travel, but I’ve realized that I only enjoy travelling immensely if I’m with honey, otherwise, the travel downgrades to an OK experience.
3) One of the drinks that I absolutely loved in Singapore is the soya milk with black jelly… yummy!
4) I am not a fruit person.
5) I prefer dogs over cats.
6) I am starting to develop a fondness for orchids, maybe because all the orchids we received as gifts last year for our house warming party are still blooming with vibrant flowers that definitely lighten up our home.
7) One of my most favourite ornaments in our home is the water fountain at the corner of our dining room, its so soothing.
8) My most uber favourite dessert would be blueberry cheesecake.
9) I’m a morning person and during weekdays, I have to be in bed by 10:30pm.
10) I love, love, love pajamas….

Now it’s quite tough to choose just 7 bloggers give this award to because ever since I devoted a significant amount of time blog hopping, I have admired a lot of blogs along the way. Here are 7 of my favourite blogs (in no particular order):

1) Pulse - this is a blog I hop to everyday, if I can, I find all the entries informative and really entertaining.
2) Wifely Steps - this blog’s posts are witty and funny and very entertaining.
3) Witsandnuts - I find it easy to relate to her entries having lived in Dubai/Abu Dhabi for a while. Her posts bring back fond memories
4) This Randomness - this blog is so candid and homey.
5) Mrs G - this is where I found a lot of informative stuff specially when it comes to running my own home.
6) Everything but the Kitchen Sink - this is one very entertaining blog and a cute baby also helps a lot.
7) Fit4All - I’ve browsed through this site and found the entries refreshing.


emarene said...

Thanks a lot for including me in your list. Nice description of my blog too. Just like the way I wanted it to convey.

Will do the "random thing" very soon. BTW, where is that nifty icon?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kreez! It must be good to reminisce your treasured memories here in UAE. Happy Wednesday!

Kreez said...

Hi emarene, ooopppss forgot the icon hehe, blog post updated.

wits, indeed, its nice to look back at fond memories and your blog makes makes it easier to remember. Happy Wednesday!

docemdy said...

Thanks, Kreez. You just made my day!

Kreez said...

Hi DrEm, thanks for your very informative and entertaining blog!

Anonymous said...

All but one of your blogs you passed this on to are new to me so going on over now to check them out.

Kreez said...

Karen, I really find these blogs entertaining. enjoy blog hopping!

Toni said...

Oh wow, thanks Kreez! :)

Reyjr said...

...going backwards, blog after blog to trace the origins of the Honest Scrap Award...