Monday, 5 January 2009

New Year, new beginning

(fireworks taken right outside our home)

The sky glittered with sparks of lights, the air is filled with smoke from gazillion of fireworks ignited, loud music could be heard from most houses, people are hugging and kissing in the streets greeting one another, this can only mean one thing, New Year has finally arrived.

Inside our home, a feast awaits. At the corner of the table, twelve kinds of round fruits are on display, a tradition that has passed on from generation to generation in my family that I can’t bring myself not to follow. I look out through our window and an overwhelming excitement fills me as it contagiously spread outside. I couldn’t help but believe that there is a subtle magic (or miracle) that occurs every year between 11:59 pm of 31st December and 12 am 1st January. This is a time when a lot of people, all of a sudden, are a lot happier, kinder, more patient, or decides to reform themselves for the better, aspire to do more, live a fuller life or seek ways to improve themselves, now if that is not magic (or miracle), I don’t know what is.

As for me, the miracle starts when the chime of the clock to signal the coming of a brand new year brings back memories of the year that was. I am filled with happiness from of all the joyous moments that occurred, I am armed with the knowledge gained from mistakes made and I am strengthened by the trials that tested me. Above all, the most magical moment for me, during this turning of the year, is when the memory of all the love showered upon me come flooding my thoughts. It’s exhilarating and I am left with nothing but gratitude.

The minute I step out of our door to witness the magnificent display of lights in the sky, I am filled with hope. Hope that the year we are welcoming will be filled with challenges that will leave me empowered, will be showered with a lot more happy occasions, will hold a great deal of knowledge to be learned and overflowing with love, a kind of love that gives everything more meaning and gives a zest to life.

Once the outside world has quieted down, our family and friends gather around the table to finally share the feast that was prepared. As we utter a simple prayer of thanks, my heart is filled with gratefulness and faith that in as much as the previous year has been a great one, the coming year, through prayers, will be even better.

I wish every one a Blessed and Peaceful New Year!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!! Wishing you lots of success, happiness, joy and good health in 2009!!

Kreez said...

Hi tamicks, i wish you more blessings and peace this 2009.

thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Nice fireworks photos; I took some video of the NYE fireworks here in Far North Queensland which you can see at the URL below:

Kreez said...

hey andrew thanks for the link, nice fireworks

thanks for dropping by