Sunday, 11 January 2009

Picture Perfect

One of the best gifts that I’ve received this Christmas, which also happens to be in my wish list as well, is a Canon EOS 450D. Actually, it so happens that this item is also in honey’s wish list, so on our December mensiversary (how cheesy, we still celebrate our mensiversary... haylaveet!), after honey took me on a lunch date, we went straight to the one of the chains of electronics shop here in the Netherlands and bought this camera, we agreed that this is one of his gifts to me this Christmas and also one of my gifts for him this Christmas. We call the camera “Marty” coz we bought it from a shop called Media Markt (pronounced as Mart).

So before I confuse the heck out of anyone reading this, since I’ve used Marty, I’ve been enjoying myself a lot while exploring his properties…. Simply amazing, I’ve never taken pictures as nice as the one I’ve taken on this camera. We took Marty for a test drive (or is it test shot?!?) when we went to Paris and to Disneyland and I have to say so myself, all the pictures were marvellous. Marty gives us more room for creativity and it turns any environment, not conducive for taking pictures even, simply dramatic.

Here are some of my favourite shots from Paris and Disneyland (honey has been my favorite subject hehe).

i love the black and white shots:

I’m sure this is just a beginning of a long and sweet love affair that I’ll have with Marty.


docemdy said...

And the love affair is even with the consent of your husband. Ha ha ha! I suggest you start a photo blog and join challenges!

Kreez said...

hey dr.em, haha, yes the affair is with consent...thanks for that suggestion, i'm thinking about it, i think that will help me explore the capabilities of the camera better.

Anonymous said...

LOVELY pictures! I especially like the B&W ones. Nice! Yup, this looks like a beautiful relationship between you and your new gadget!

Kreez said...

thanks toni! me and my cam are taking our relationship to the next level... micro photography hehe.

emarene said...


We also bought a new camera for ourselves this Christmas. The hubby justifies the purchase by saying he cannot use our camera anymore (I always have it in my purse). It is not that complicated, just a Nikon D60 SLR and hopefully I can post pictures soon.
Hooray for the amateur photographers!

Kreez said...

that's great, DSLRs are becoming more popular these days, no wonder with the quality of pictures they deliver. Have fun with your new cam!

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about cameras. I just need one easy to use like my digital. It has lots of settings to choose from for types of pictures which I can handle, then just point and shoot. Your pictures look great! It is fun to play with new cameras.

Kreez said...

hi karen, thanks! at first I was the same, i was more than happy with our point and shoot cam but hubby is very fond of taking pics to we decided to get a DSLR.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. I sometimes name my gadget and other stuff, too. Have more fun with Marty!

Kreez said...

Thanks! hehe, it's like a term of endearment to a gadget (or other stuff) that we get fond of.

niko said...

nice photos!! may future ka rin sa photography dear!!! :) galing ng shots mo!! :)

at ang subject talagang si one and only! how sweeet!

and yes dear.. i have an award for you. please grab it if you're free..


Kreez said...

hey niko, thanks a lot, for the compliments on my photography and for the award, I truly appreciate it.

hehehe, game na game kasi si honey magpose kaya maganda kinalasan nung mga pics haha.